Monday, June 8, 2009

be careful what you say

In Acts 12, one of the Herod's spoke and was praised by the people of Tyre and Si don as a god speaking. He accepted their praise and died a horrible death.

Voltaire stated that his books would become famous while the Bible would become a museum piece. Few have heard of him and his house was bought and used by a Bible society to send out Bibles.

Either the owner or ship's captain said before the maiden voyage of the Titanic that even God could not sink it. It sunk.

A few days ago the editor of Newsweek said that Obama was like God. If I were the President, I would disavow that idea immediately. Paul and Barnabas were thought to be gods in Acts 13 but quickly ran into the audience to show that they were merely men.

As for Newsweek, there appears to be a death wish to a once important weekly. I would encourage the editor to rethink his statement before he sinks with his weekly.

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