Friday, January 8, 2010

blizzards and cold waves

In December, according to the media, we were going to have a blizzard. Well I survived the blizzard of 09 (want to get a t-shirt that says that). The snow fell, the winds blew, but we survived here in Houston, TX.

Now we are in a cold wave. Tempts are in the 20s and wind chill in single digits. Some people really do need to understand the concept of wind chill - walking around in short sleeves and shorts is not good. We were told that we would have sleet and bridges would freeze. The city was mobilized and began dealing with the possibility. While the sleet didn't materialize (and I'm glad because people do not realize that one must drive slower in such weather), it has been cold. As a Yankee, I'm enjoying it, and I dress for it as well.

All this must be caused by global warming. Oh, that's right...climate change. Ah, climate changes! The weather people have a difficult enough time getting tomorrow right, what makes some of these alarmist think they will get it right in one hundred years? Take God out of the picture and all they can do is announced doom and gloom.

Weather changes...get use to it.