Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A great article

Dennis Prager has written an article that should be required reading for everyone. "On Jews and Christians who embrace the left" can be found at his site as well as Jewish World Review, and Town It was published on 3/30/2010.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

human rights commissions

Why do cities and states have human rights commissions? I think I'm missing something. Could it be the politically correct, multicultural ideas so dominant in liberal circles? Davenport, Iowa has one. It decided that Good Friday should be changed to Spring Holiday so as NOT to offend non-Christians. Wow! Certainly cannot have that. But the citizens of Davenport have risen up, those heathens. They have emailed, called, and protested the change. The city counsel has rejected the Commission's suggestion because it wasn't done through the proper channels. What's the matter with those politicians in Davenport? They should have just accepted the multicultural suggestion.

I have a suggestion. Let's get right of both the Commission and the politicians who suggested such.

As Fred Thompson says, Why do they call it common sense when it is so uncommon.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

quote without comment

From Dan Smith on Berean Spirit,

Now, let me get this straight...We're trying to pass a health care plan: written by a committee whose chairman saays he doesn't understand it, passed by a Congress tht hasn't read it but exempts themselves from it, to be signed by a president who also hasn't read it (and who smokes), with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, with all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and the whole thing to be financed by a country that's broke.

What could possibly go wrong????

Thursday, March 25, 2010


It seems that if one calls a liberal a socialist, they get really upset. Dennis Prager has a good artilce and included in it is that calling someone a socialist is just defining who they are and that they should accept, not as a dishonor but for what it really is. He also states that the bigger the goverment, the smaller the citizen. Now that is something to think about, especially in light of Europe. He identifies the democrats with the socialists parties of Western Europe, which is where they are taking us (USA).

Monday, March 22, 2010

be careful what you wish for

The health care bill passed Congress. Yippee. Now we will have government people telling us what doctors to see, when to see them, what can and cannot be done. Glenn Beck stirred up things about the social gospel when he told people that that was a code word for socialism and communism. Most Christian responses were fairly balanced noting that God is indeed concerned with justice.

But, one has to wonder about some. Listening to Dennis Prager (and well worth listening to - visit his Prager University site for 5 minute video lessons), he states that the leftist Jew is more concerned for leftism than for Jewish ideas and that the leftist Roman Catholic is more concerned for leftist ideas than for Catholic social teachings on abortion. Back during the Great Depression, churches often provided help. Then came the social ideas of FDR followed by LBJ followed by Obama, and we have more and more government control over "social" issues - most of which lean left.

Be careful what you wish for because the same happened in socialist and communist countries. Stalin started state churches and closed those that did not support the party line. Hitler compromised with the Lutheran church and attempted to destroy the Confessing church that opposed him. China has the official church and persecutes all others. Here in our nation, churches that support Biblical values are often ridiculed. The Mormons were blamed for the support of the marriage amendment in California because the gay agenda opposed it. If one supports big government, socialist agenda, then you will be praised by the elite of the country in the media, government and university. All others are stereotyped as out of date, hateful and angry. Of course, if you notice, those who are often hateful, out of date, and angry are the ones making the accusations. In D.C., the government has stated that adoption agencies must allow homosexuals to adopt and if they don't, they will not be allowed to provide adoption for anyone, thereby eliminating the Catholic organization.

The government sees itself in control, as god, and anyone who opposes them as enemies. Jesus is Lord, not anyone or thing in D.C., or anywhere else for that matter. By the way, it is those mean conservative Bible believing Christians who were already in Haiti that helped with the survivors of the earthquake, and in Indonesia, and New Orleans. When the government failed, who went anyway? And it is American military power that often goes to the rescue with aircraft carriers that have hospitals and helicopters for rescue, and medical personnel who can give aid. Have you notice that most of these people are conservatives and many Christians?

Do we really want to be like Europe where government controls far too many aspects of life? The bigger the government the smaller the person (Prager). Be careful what you wish for.